The Motherland

A small vanilla+ SMP community of friends with an emphasis on a persistant world.

Currently Online:

All is quiet in The Motherland...

Last Updated: 08.01.2022

Server Rules

Learning the rules can help avoid issues with other players.

Rule 1

No Cheating

Absolutely no cheating.

If you suspect someone of cheating contact staff immediately.

Cheating is defined as:
Using techniques that exploits a flaw or hidden feature that goes against the intended game design and/or spirit of the game.

This includes but is not limited to: exploiting bugs, duplicating items, hacking, x-raying, command abuse, teleporting, breaking bedrock, going above the nether ceiling.

Players caught cheating could be permanently banned and their items and creations removed from the world, without option of exporting to file.

The Motherland reserves the right for its staff to cheat where necessary to perform admin duties.

Rule 2

No Griefing

No griefing.

If someone is griefing you contact staff immediately.

Griefing is defined as:
Intentionally destroying, or altering someone else's creation, land, or surrounding area with the intention of harrasing, hindering, or frustrating another player.

A bit of fun now and again, a little messing around, occasional trolling, is all completely acceptable, as long as it's all in good spirit.

Players caught griefing may receive a warning, or a ban depending on repeated offences and severity.

Rule 3

No Harassment

Play nice and have fun.

If someone is harassing you contact staff immediately.

Harassment is defined as:
The act of systematic and/or continued unwanted and annoying actions of one party or a group, including threats and demands.

A bit of fun now and again, a little messing around, occasional trolling, is all completely acceptable, as long as its all in good spirit.

Players caught or reported for harassment may receive a warning, or a ban without notice depending on repeated offences and severity.

The Motherland reservers the right to handover chat logs to the police in the case of criminal activity.

Rule 4

Land Rights

Respect people's builds and the space around it.

Always ask before making changes in an area with others already in it. You don't know what people have planned for the land around their builds. If someone has called dibs to an area and you start building, you will have to move if requested.

Land disputes will be settled by staff.

Calling Dibs
You can call dibs to an area by sectioning the area off in an obvious way using fence, torches etc. There needs to be a reasonable effort to have marked the area to have claimed dibs. The area isn't physically protected.

Implied Dibs
Somebody can have an implied dibs when they already have a permanent established base close by in the area, regardless of if that base is obvious or hidden.

Avoid region disputes and claim your land by making it your region!

- Have two names ready, one for your region (area) and one for your city/village/base. You don't have to claim a region around your town if you don't want to.
- Place coloured wool blocks around the perimeter's you wish to claim, as many blocks as needed to draw any shape, but must be one single shape. One larger region shape, and a smaller shape inside the region that is your town.

Once you have these two things sorted out, contact staff with your request and we will create the regions for you.

Rule 5

Redstone Care

Be careful with what you engineer.

Redstone machines can very easily lag and even crash the server. Be aware of the performance cost your device will have on the server. Turn it off when not using it and ensure items cannot infinitely loop and build up in farms.

If you continue to build devices that lag the server or crash it, you could recieve a ban.

The server reserves the right to remove any redstone device that causes the server performance issues with no warning. It will be saved to file and you can request a copy of that file for your own worlds.

Rule 6

Limited Travel

Please don't travel for the sake of traveling.

We don't have unlimited storage memory, furthermore the more chunks that exist the further people will need to travel to discover new chunks when a new patch releases, and the slower it is to generate maps and backup the world to the cloud.

If you're looking for something, for example your own separate space, or treasure, new chunks, completely fair enough. Use the online map to help plot where you're going to go. Always try to mitigate how many new chunks you're generating.

If you generate a heap of land and cause issues against the wishes of the server, you may be banned and the land may be deleted from the world to reduce the filesize back down.

Rule 7

Hidden Seed

The seed is a secret.

This prevents you lazy buggars from looking up a treasure map ;)

Anyone caught sharing or announcing the seed will be permanently banned.

Staff will usually confirm suspicions and contact you before bans but reserve the right to ban without warning.
To appeal a ban you can talk to staff through email or discord.