The Motherland

A small vanilla+ SMP community of friends with an emphasis on a persistant world.

Currently Online:

All is quiet in The Motherland...

Server Information

Server IP:

Version: 1.21.1

Difficulty: Hard

PvP: Allowed

Server Location: Canberra, ACT, Australia

Server Restart: 2:00am daily

Map Updated: During monday's restart.


Server Configuration

Forests are struck by lighting and burn down. Creepers explode randomly. Endermen put holes in everything.

Minecraft world's decay around you, even when you're afking, and the game has no mechanics to regenerate anything. Our rule changes are designed to prevent the decay. All the other game rules are normal; except when you're inside a worldguard region.

Creeper Block Damage:
Ghast Block Damage:
Ravager Block Damage:
Lightning Fire:
On; Converts villagers, Not Spreadable, Non destructive


When you die, your items will drop into a deathchest.

• Locked to you for 15 minutes & despawns in 48 hours.
• Indestructable, even from lava or the void.
• Periodically launches fireworks to help locate it.

Shift+Right-Click a deathchest to quick loot it.

Server Economy

Diamonds are your currency in The Motherland.

Use /money to see your balance (or /m for short)
Money is counted if its in your inventory, or your vault.
Create as many vaults as you want by placing a sign on a chest with [vault] written on the top line.

You can withdraw money from your vault with /m withdraw <amount>
You can deposit money to your vault with /m deposit <amount>
You can pay someone with /m pay <amount> <player>

Paid Commands

Commands that will cost you diamonds to perform.

All diamonds spent on paid commands are stored in the Server Bank.

Teleport Deathchest /tpdcCost: 10d
Allows you to teleport to any of your existing deathchests.

Primordial Essence

Mobs will ocassionally drop some Primordial Essence.

Primordial Essence is used to buy back diamonds from the server bank.

Sell /sell <amount>
Sell your collected Primordial Essence for Diamonds from the server bank, if it has any.

Server Regions

Regions are a way of defining areas and adding rules.

Regions can prevent non-members breaking blocks, opening chests, rotating maps, opening doors, pressing buttons, killing entites, and much more.

Talk to a server admin to purchase (with Diamonds) your own regions.


World: Defines the playable space.
Territory: Areas defined by the server, usually created when a new patch drops.


Region: A large player owned area.
District: Land belonging to a Region. (Eg. Suburb, Iron farm, etc.)
City: Player base: Friendly and inviting to other players.
Property: Player base: Personal property, tresspass at own risk.